‘Tis the Season


This cranberry bourbon cocktail is perfect for celebrating during the holidays. A bit of an Old Fashioned variation, this adds a sweet and spicy twist.

You’ll need : 1 cup fresh cranberries , 1/2 cup of orange juice, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 cinnamon sticks.

Take all those ingredients and put in a sauce pan on med high heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Sugar should be dissolved and a bunch of the cranberries should have started popping. Remove from heat and let cool (1-2 hours).

Pour the above mixture into a pitcher with 1/2 cup of bourbon (can double the alcohol if you like stronger drinks). Stir together and pour into a cocktail glass over ice. Serves 2 -4. (Feel free to double the recipe for more)


Time to celebrate !


Potato and Leek Soup